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Put these in order of importance to you; 1. Car 2. House 3.Family

Updated: Aug 7

It's a weird feeling isn't - strange emotions are aroused. Like 99% of all people, you would put 1. Family 2. Home 3. Car ??? and yet the only insurance that is required to avoid breaking the law is 3. car insurance? I still can't get my head around this one.

Life insurance is crucial for families with children and mortgages. It provides financial security, ensuring that in the event of the policyholder's death, the family can maintain their living standards and cover essential expenses such as mortgage payments, education, and daily living costs.

Without life insurance, the surviving family members may struggle to meet financial obligations, potentially losing their home or compromising their children's future. Life insurance acts as a safety net, offering peace of mind and stability during difficult times.

For more detailed statistics and information, you can visit sources like Life Happens and Statista which provide comprehensive data on life insurance coverage and its benefits or you can speak to me - Sophie Evans on 07785 188862

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